Tick tack.
Tick tack. Tick tack. Tick tack.
The room gets closer and closer even if I´m not moving myself. The surroundings doesn´t quite make sense. At every step you take you can hear the sound. Tick tack. Tick tack. If the day only had 25 hours. If only seconds could be minutes. So much to do and so little time. Why? Need to do that, and that, and that, and that, and th…….ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! I'm going crazy here. Need more time. I really, really do need more time.
That was for 20 years ago. Young, stupid and unaware of what life possibly could bring me. I didn´t know what I wanted even if I thought I did. I just knew that I wanted to do so much in only half the time. It’s ridiculous, I know that now. But as a youngster you don´t know much, you just think you do. It´s you against the world.
Today I´m older, wiser and more experienced. I don´t take anything for granted anymore. I don´t believe that life is easy because it isn´t. And I don´t belive that I have the need to do everything I want in as little time as possible. Instead I keep hold on myself, close my eyes and taking an extra breath. Something I never did before. Life is for me more valuable today then ever. The little things that once passed you by has now got my attention. And it´s so beautiful. It´s so magnificent.
Time is something invented by man. We don´t need it for real. The invention was meant from the beginning to be as a complement to our lives. A simplification of the way we live. To better understand and to chart the days of our life. To chart history. Sadly though, it´s been the other way around. Time makes people forget. Makes them forget to live.
Dalai Lama replied when asked what surprised him most;
- Man. She sacrifices health for her to make money. Then she sacrifices money to regain health. And she is so anxious about the future that she is not enjoying the present. The result is that she does not live in the present nor in the future. She lives as if she would never die. And then she dies without even ever having lived.
I´m getting older, that´s a fact. But it´s ok. With the wise words of Dalai Lama I know now that life is too short to rush throw. I got all the time in the world to live and I´m going to enjoy every minute of it.
Tick tack. Tick tack. No more.