No reason

Why does some people get everything in life and some people get nothing? I self shouldn´t complain because I have been quite lucky but there is those who has been less fortunate.

Despite all the cruelty and injustice that exist in the world there is many people that seems to believe everything has a purpose. But I don´t. There´s no black or white, no right or wrong, no heaven nor hell. Things happen for no reason. It has to be that way. Or otherwise, if it was truly the other way around why the hell are we here in the first place?

You have children that dies in cancer and aids, people who gets deprived of the opportunity to have children, loved ones that gets memory disfunctionality, healthy persons that just suddenly falls down because of a heart attack . I can continue and It´s really sad that I can. But this is just a number of things we can´t control, that´s always are going to be there. That's why I don't believe that things has a purpose. For why, for example, would anyone want children to die or let people lose their memories? Nothing makes us more vulnerable when we gets affected, or someone close to us, and we feel helpless when It happens. Life takes different directions depending on who´s living it and the road for each and every one of us is not like the other but in the end we all meet the same fate. Unfortunatly, some of us meets their fate in a less good way.

Many cruelties that walks on this Earth are made by man´s doing, but it´s the things we can´t control that is incomprehensible. And it doesn´t matter how much we want to try to controlling it. We will lose anyway. I don´t say that we don´t try and I hope we will continue to do so, but Mother nature has something against us and even though we get so much knowledge that we can overcome the diseases, she always will find a new way. A new disease to destroy us. And yet we will keep on fighting, keep on struggling through life and hoping the world will change. Hoping that one day we can stop being afraid. That we all can have the same possibilities and joy to life.

My thoughts goes to the people and the children that gets deprived of their lives. Nothing I write will change the things all of you will get affected by or already have, and for what it´s worth, I´m truly sorry for that . I really am. I can´t explain why It´s you of all mankind who must bear this burden and in the end also have to face what´s coming. If I could say that all things happen for a reason I would do it, but I can´t. I won´t. And if we would say that we understand what you all go through, we would be lying, because we can´t possible know that. All we can do is treat you like anyone, to treat you with respect. Because that is what I think what you all really want. Not our sympathies, just our love.

I hope that all of you who read these lines will take a quiet moment and think of those that´s less fortunate than the rest of us. Let us all send our love to them and let them know that there still hope in this world even if it´s doesn´t change anything. But at least they will feel all your love in their hearts and that's what really matters.That´s what makes a change. That´s what makes us human. So, love to you all and please be good to each other for remember this, the people closest to you may not be there tomorrow.